Walter Hadwen: The Case Against Vaccination
Prejav ďalšej vedeckej kapacity: Walter Hadwen, J.P., M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Etc: The Case Against Vaccination. Verbatim Report of An Address. Goddard’s Assembly Rooms, Gloucester, Saturday, January 25th, 1896 (During the Gloucester Smallpox Epidemic). Slovenský preklad prvej časti…
Kategória: Dokumenty | 25. januára 1896J. T. Biggs, J.P.: Lessons of the small-pox epidemic at Leicaster 1892-94
J. T. Biggs, J.P.: Lessons of the small-pox epidemic at Leicaster 1892-94. Publikované v Leicester Daily Post dňa 19.7.1894
Edgar M. Crookshrank, M.B.: History and Pathology of Vaccination.
Edgar M. Crookshrank, M.B. History and Pathology of Vaccination. London, H. K. Lewis, 136, Gower street, W.C. 1889.
Prof. Charles Creighton, M.A., M.D.: Vaccination
Prof. Charles Creighton, M.A., M.D. Vaccination. Encyclopedia Britannica, Ninth edition 1875-1889. Presné a prísne vedecké zhrnutie histórie a rizík očkovania proti kiahňam.
William Tebb: Compulsory Vaccination in England
William Tebb. Compulsory Vaccination in England: With Incidental References to Foreign States. W. Allen, 4, Ave Maria Lamne, E. C. London. 1884